How can you make sure that the next software engineer you hire gets the job done, with stellar results? With the current global talent shortage rate at 35%, even finding the right specialist can be tricky. So how do you find the right programmer for your project?
The talent shortage is attributed to the lack of qualified, skilled, or certified professionals. Skilled workers and engineers rank as the 1st and 2nd hardest positions to fill, with IT staff ranked as 7th most difficult to fill. To deal with the shortage, companies have resorted to either hire specialized outsourcing services, or put off advances to cultivate and train their own internal talent pool.
If you choose to use specialized outsourcing services, first evaluate your provider’s location. While many companies face tech talent shortages, the demand for high-quality software engineers has turned many countries into leaders for the number of IT programmers. India is the first country that comes to mind for IT outsourcing, but there are also many countries of Eastern Europe, including Belarus and Ukraine, that produce top-notch, highly educated and skilled software engineering talent.
So back to the main wish of the holiday season: how do you find the perfect software developer? If you’re looking abroad, learn about the country’s talent pool options. Then, evaluate your provider using two key metrics: the education level of their developers and their internal development and team-building processes.
Knowing the education level of your potential colleagues will assure you are working with advanced specialists, which can save you money on training costs. Your provider’s internal processes will tell you whether the software engineers will stay solely on your project, and whether they will actually think on the job (bringing more innovation and actual improvement to your products).
Eastern Europe is known for their excellent education infrastructure, where many programmers hold a Master’s or higher in software engineering. Countries like Belarus and Ukraine are currently some of the best locations for innovative software engineering. Download Discover IT Ukraine and Discover IT Belarus brochures to learn more about what these two outsourcing destinations have to offer.
Photo courtesy of nosheep via stock.xchng