The sixth international WorldS4 conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security, and Sustainability will be held on 24-27th August in London, UK. The WorldS4 Conference, organized by the GR Foundation, is a focal point for leading global experts to share their insights. They will guide attendees through more sustainable ways of doing business and delivering value via Information & Communication Technologies across many industries.

Many high-quality submissions are already attracted to stimulate innovative research discussions among academic pioneering researchers and business practitioners by providing them a chance to present their academic papers.
On Friday, August 26 • 4:31 pm – 4:45 pm (BST) Intetics team will make the live presentation: Irina Dubovik, Digital Marketing Director, will present the scientific publication, “How Predictive Software Engineering Creates Effective Business Solutions Through Custom Software Development.” Authors: Boris Kontsevoi, Ceo and President, Sergey Kizyan Delivery Director, Sandbox. Alexey Velesnitsky, CTO, will lead the Q&A session and answer any questions regarding how to apply PSE to bring value to the business.
The paper explores the Predictive Software Engineering (PSE) framework. It covers the seven principles that cumulatively ensure projects’ transparency, controllability, and predictability. Readers can find a ready-made strategy to transform their custom software products into successful, high-quality business solutions.
Throughout the article, the authors investigate how PSE principles allow bespoke software development companies to offer transparent products and services that fit budget constraints. Each principle is examined individually and backed by strategies, best practices, methodologies, and relevant KPIs. The PSE principles were formulated leveraging 27+ years of software development experience and global engineering best practices.
All WorldS4 2022, papers will be published in conference proceedings by Springer in its Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. The publications will be indexed by SCOPUS, INSPEC, WTI Frankfurt eG, zbMATH, and SCImago.
The event intends to examine innovative issues at an international level.
Save the date and join, the agenda and registration are available by this link.