The Web Marketing Association was founded in 1997 to help set a high standard for Internet marketing and development of the best websites on the World Wide Web. Staffed by volunteers and industry leaders who share an interest in improving the quality of online advertising, internet marketing, and website promotion through the WebAward program.
Having joined the board of judges in 2001, Boris Kontsevoi is to contributing to the WebAward program for almost two decades years already. It is the longest-running annual website award competition dedicated to naming the best websites in 96 industries and setting the standard of excellence for all website development.
19-year-long contribution to the development of the world design standards and approaches was сelebrated by naming Intetics CEO as Outstanding judge of the MobileWebAwards.
“This award program could not be accomplished without the significant contributions from industry leaders, who’s dedication and expertise allow those who participate to have their work evaluated and recognized,” says William Rice, Web Marketing Association in his message. “Thank you once again for your contribution and leadership to this worthwhile advertising industry event.”
Past competition judges of the award included top executives from leading corporations, institutions and media organizations such as Ogilvy Interactive, R/GA , Saatchi & Saatchi, Blattner Brunner, Sun Microsystems, National Cable & Telecom Association, Refinery, Euro RSCG, A&E Television Networks , New York Post Interactive, Ernst & Young , J. Walter Thompson, Xerox, Art Institute of Pittsburgh, and Aristotle.
“In the beginning of my career, I was heavily engaged in web design projects. Being among judges for all these years is my tribute to something dear to me. Besides, I apply the same approaches and rules as we do at Intetics. It means we are following the right path,” says Boris Kontsevoi. “Thanks for the honor, I greatly appreciate the award.”