White Papers and eBooks
- Retail is undergoing a fundamental shift driven by AI-powered solutions that enhance customer experiences and optimize operations. Explore the full potential of AI in retail. Download our brochure to see AI Agents in action.
- Keywords: Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Predictive Analytics, AI for Business, Outsourcing, Technology Trends, Market Analysis, AI Innovation, Internet of Things (IoT), Crisis Response, Corporate Strategies
- Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Conversational AI, Predictive Analytics, AI for Business, Enterprise Knowledge Assistant, AI-Powered Virtual Assistants, Natural Language Processing, AI Innovation
- Keywords: Generative Artificial Intelligence, GenAI, Product Life Cycle, Software Development Life Cycle, Opportunities of AI, Limitations of AI, AI Projects, AI-driven Tools, AI Assistants
- Keywords: Automotive, Manufacturing, Predictive Maintenance, Optimized Production, Smart Factories, Tailored Software Development, Parking Technologies, Navigation System, Spatial Active Noise Cancelation for Rotating Mechanisms
- Keywords: Maps, Onboard Navigation Systems, Digital Navigation, HD Mapping, Autonomous Driving, Automated Vehicle, AV, Field Data Collection, Map Coding, Quality Assurance, Crowd Control, ADAS
- Keywords: Light Detection and Ranging, LiDAR, Civil Engineering, Building Information Modeling, BIM, Airborne LiDAR, Terrestrial LiDAR, Mobile LiDAR, UAV (Drone) LiDAR, And Solid-State LiDAR, LiDAR Use Cases, Industry Standards
- Discover the eight biggest fears around custom development and what measures & methodologies smash them up.
- Use Cases Businesses keep investing in technology to have a competitive edge and remain resilient. These goals are now being fulfilled through data manipulation, the scope of which is growing daily. As a result, efficient data analysis, processing, and usage lead to enhanced agility, more accurate decision-making, superior user experience, and optimized costs. To sift through and work with the extraordinary amount of data that is constantly being generated, businesses use machine learning (ML), the benefits of which will be examined in this White Paper.
- Keywords: Emerging Technologies, Digital Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Machine Learning, ML, IoT, RPA/IA, Innovation, Technology Solutions, Technology Dictionary, Online Resources
- Bespoke noise reduction technology for industrial and manufacturing environments
- Keywords: Machine Learning, ML, Artificial Intelligence, AI, ML algorithms, AI/ML Use Cases, Challenges, ML Tech Architectures, Industry Standards, ML Certifications
- Keywords: Agile, Crystal, Disciplined Agile Delivery, Dynamic System Development, Extreme Programming, Feature-Driven Development, Iterative & Incremental, Large-Scale Scrum, Manifesto, Predictive Software Engineering, Prototyping, Rapid Application, Scaled Agile Framework, Scrum, Spiral, Structured Programming, Unified Process, V-Model, Waterfall
- Keywords: AWS, Lambda, Serverless, Cloud, Architecture, API
- Keywords: Geographic Information System, Infrared Imagery, LiDAR, Orthophoto, Photogrammetry, UAS/UAV
- Portfolio, projects and Case Studies, clients' reviews.
- We help businesses migrate to the cloud and provide counsel, support, and maintenance where needed.
- Keywords: Agile, Co-location, Digital Workspace, Hybrid Team, Offshoring, Remote In-Sourcing
- Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Chatbot, Machine Learning, Natural Language Interface, Voice Assistant
- Keywords: Big Data, Data Analysis, Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery, Machine Learning
- Keywords: Adaptive Learning Environment, EdTech, E-Learning, Knowledge Space Theory, Smart Content
- Keywords: Auto Scaling, Big Data, Cloud App, Cloud Computing, Distributed Computing, Migration, On-Demand Computing, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
- Keywords: Affiliate, Crowdfunding, eCommerce, mCommerce, SaaS, Sponsorship
- Keywords: Data Analytics, Kano Analysis, Remote In-Sourcing
- Keywords: Augmentation, Dedicated Team, Fixed-Price, Remote In-Sourcing, Time and Material
- Keywords: International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Service Level Agreement, Source Code Quality, Quality Management Platform
- Remote In-Sourcing is a new business model and an innovative business philosophy. The meaning of these words is actually like they sound: Intetics creates and operates remote information technology which, on the business side, completely belong to a Client while remaining Intetics’ employees on the logistical and operational side. Those teams can be organized for software development, software testing, IT consulting, audits and assessments, systems integration, R&D, engineering, technical support, IT training, data processing, and back office support. A typical remote team is fully dedicated to the Client and acts as a direct extension of Client’s in-house staff.
- The term “machine learning” may conjure up images of old science fiction movies like the 1968 Stanley Kubrick classic 2001: A Space Odyssey. Thanks to decades of technological advancements and education, modern day artificial intelligence is a lot less scary now than it was back in the sixties. Today’s intelligent computers have the power and potential to transform all industries and improve practically every aspect of our lives.
- Not too long ago, companies that were looking to hire highly-skilled tech talent were limited to candidates that lived within a certain mile radius of an office location. In high-tech hubs like Silicon Valley and New York City, the talent was easier to find, but more expensive to hire, In smaller cities, these types of programmers were few and far between.
- The technology industry in Ukraine, including the IT sector, has a historical affinity for science and a decades-old infrastructure for excellent technological education.
- Whenever launcing new software project, one of the first decisions every executive has to make is to choose the right software service provider and define integration strategy of the provider with in-house operations. This is always difficult decision coupled with miltiple challenges.
- The abbreviation “GDPR” is becoming more and more often used in offices around the world. “GDPR” stands for General Data Protection Regulation, a new legislation approved by EU Parliament, which goes into effect in May 2018. As the date is approaching, discussions of how to achieve GDPR compliance is the hottest topic right now.
- Belarus & Ukraine Country Overview discovering: Technological Environment; Business Environment: Cultural Proximity Government and Support & Legal Conditions; Education & Talent; Comparison of Popular IT Outsourcing Markets; Cost Savings; Time & Travel.
- Ukraine has a long history of contributing to innovations in GIS technology. In fact, initial GIS methodological principles and the first applied fully functional GIS were created in Ukraine in the mid-1980s. Today, a large number of governmental and commercial organisations in Ukraine actively use GIS technology. Their activities are fully based on GIS and the success of their work depends heavily on the competent application of GIS technologies
- The challenge of most CIOs these days is to deliver quality, innovative work within their budgets. They are facing constant budget cuts and adjustments, while also constantly having to do more with their IT sectors. It is no longer enough to just keep up with the latest technology; CIOs have to ensure that they are providing their companies with cutting-edge applications and the latest software systems – otherwise, their companies will be left behind in the dust. We have talented people who develop the sorts of systems for advancement that CIOs are looking for without burning through their budget. So, Intetics can address two main pain points of today’s CIOs: talent availability at affordable cost.
- The idea of using open software at Intetics was first aired in May 2011. At that time the main working tools for Intetics’ specialists was proprietary software provided by the client. The volume of manual vectorization projects was increasing along with the growing number of employees. We planned to hire approximately 50 new employees; though the time spent using GIS software did not exceed 5- 16% for a single employee. As an alternative to purchasing extra proprietary licenses, a decision to use open software was made.
- Belarus & Ukraine Country Overview discovering: Technological Environment; Business Environment; Education & Talent; Cost Savings; Time & Travel.
- IT Outsourcing in political instability in Ukraine:
– Geopolitical concerns
– Geopolitical risk management
– Ukraine business climate
– Closing thoughts - Building distributed teams is often a necessity in today’s fast, globalized economy. When a company faces talent shortage, tough deadlines for product release, and requires cost optimization, distributed teams are the best option to achieve all of the objectives. Indeed, in majority of cases distributed teams are the only answer, or there is a very good chance that a project won’t happen at all. While it is often the best choice, managing distributed teams can be its own challenge. Chiefly, it requires early investment in communication and development of a systematic communication process. Despite the early investment, working with distributed teams with a process designed to mitigate the risks will lead to more efficiency and better results.
- Web and mobile journey planners are real boons to modern travelers, but can they be improved? Passengers surveyed and 35 systems analyzed from all around the world to find out what journey planners are doing right – and what they could do better in the future.
- What is going to cover:
• What is Big Data
• Where are we now
– People: profile, skills, shortage?
– Challenges
• Use Cases
– Location-Based Services
– Internet of Things
– Omni-channel Retail
– Other uses & tools
• Tips for you
• Conclusions & Trends - Certification is an additional proof that one possesses knowledge at the time of passing certification.
- The paper covers the company’s proprietary approach to the assessment of software product quality and measurement of technical debt. In the paper, the authors state that the software product quality is the amount of various technical debts embedded into the product and delivered to end-users. Similar to the fact that any debt can be paid, the software product quality can be efficiently managed and measured by a set of techniques, parameters, and dimensions. The authors share the details of the company proprietary approach to technical debt management done with the help of the Technical DebT Reduction plAtform, TETRA. They share the measurement parameters, tools and major dimension for the assessment.
- Adding a Quality Assurance specialist allows you to better manage your project, but it also presents its own set of problems. What common issues do organizations (and QAs) face when testing their project results? The following case study describes the management process of large projects when a QA specialist is introduced in the middle of the project development life cycle. Emphasis is placed on main problems encountered in such situations and the solutions that were applied in an existing Intetics project.
- Today we are going to discuss the history of innovation in outsourcing looking thru evolutions of various sourcing models.
- A case study of building a successful remote team in Eastern Europe: The selection steps and criteria to select the vendor; Main challenges that we faced during operations setup and the steps which were taken to address them; Setting communication in distributed teams; A team member retention strategy set up to minimize the attrition; Team building dynamics and main. achievements of the engagement
- The outsourcing industry is the source of countless direction-related terminology. Each new sourcing model is sending you either in or out, off or on, near or far…is there an over and under yet? As the efficiencies of the outsourcing grow, so do the outsourcing trends, models…and the industry lexicon. Every new model, it seems, has a twin in its antonym—in the opposite direction that the models describe. Therefore, while everyone is figuring out (out)sourcing, let’s not forget about its equally intriguing twin: in-sourcing.
- Using an impressive number of direction-related terminologies, the outsourcing industry has developed an exhaustive lexicon of business models and service offerings. The flexible and often overlapping business models aim at improving business efficiency and eliminating the risks associated with the outsourcing process, though unsurprisingly not all models are as successful as others. The question of how to limit the risks of outsourcing is at the very core of the industry. In fact, risk mitigation is what often determines whether to in-source or out-source.
- Software development, especially when handled by remote teams, can be a tricky process for companies. However, the collaboration with remote providers can be made smoother when built relying on a predictive software engineering (PSE) framework. According to a recent Deloitte survey, leading organizations are selecting remote providers to drive transformational change and improve business results. They expect a higher level of software development predictability from these agreements than even from in-house teams. To take advantage of remote collaboration, IT providers must adjust their approach to delivery. The PSE framework serves this purpose. This eWEEK slide show, using industry information from Intetics, explains the PSE idea in the following bullet points.
- The HFS Hot Vendors are an exclusive group of emerging players with a differentiated value proposition for the Digital OneOfficeTM (Exhibit 1). HFS analysts speak with numerous exciting startups and emerging players. We designate a select group as the HFS Hot Vendors based on their offerings’ distinctiveness, ecosystem robustness, client impact, financial position, and the impact in our OneOffice Framework. The HFS Hot Vendors may not have the scale and size to be featured in our Blueprint reports, but they have the vision and strategy to impact and disrupt the market.
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